Finishing with a Workhorse Achievements of a Visual Imaging Provider
Eastman is featured in the April 2016 issue of Digital Output magazine. To read the entire article click here. An excerpt, below:
Workhorse Caliber
Because of the cyclical nature of sales, most of Coloredge’s clients change out graphics around the same time due to seasonal promotions. To handle this, the company relies on trusted hardware.
It uses an Eastman M9000 Static Table System from Eastman Machine for much of its in-store displays and light box work. The company has owned this piece of equipment since 2000. According to Sebastian Pratap, director of graphic panel production, Coloredge, the “workhorse” survived historic Hurricane Sandy even after the production facility in NJ took on four feet of water. “We only had to change out a few parts and it was up and running,” he continues.
The 78-inch by 24-foot flatbed on average cuts 150,000 linear feet a year. This includes paper and vinyl with thicknesses anywhere from 23- to 27-mil. It’s used daily, eight hours a day.
Other flatbed routers are used for drilling holes into materials and an XY cutter works to cut rolls of flexible media. Which device utilized is dependent on the job. The Eastman M9000 handles the majority of the in-store display and light box work.
When it comes to thinking about the Eastman M9000 and the difference it’s made to the company, Pratap points out that its existence pre-dates his employment. However, he says, “There really is no comparison. It’s machine versus man. Before it, they cut by hand. Now it takes the machine a minute to cut a 30 square foot pattern with no waste and little room for error. It’s all about accuracy and productivity.”